Well, is flash back time. A time to refresh our memories. lets go back to the time when we were still Babies. Have you ever did something that will make your mom Extream Mad? well i did, still remember i like to play my mom's lipstick. Once i get the lipstick i sure put on some make up over my face, and the worst i will start drawing on da wall, table, mirror..... at the end, my mom was so mad, & i got a sweet whack by my MOM.

If my boys behave liddat. I'm really gonna insane... LOL :)
oh so cute and naughty!!hahahaha
aiyaaa!!u scare me,aron. :)
Oh boy.. that's hilarious! I hope my kids never see that pictures!! :-D
that last picture is so funny! LOL... love his expression..he is soooo naughty! is that you when you are little? qiqiqiqi
if i really own this kind of son @ daughter, i will drive myself crazy.. but they really cute and funny.. i'm wondering whether did i act the same way last time.... Hehehe.... Happy blogging
Whahahahah!!! VEry very Bad babies!
keke ... they are only cute when we don't have to clean up after them yeah? I wonder how I will react if my baby do such a thing ;D
peeing baby is dammnn cute... looks like aron...
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