But today i wanna share something abit sad!!! Something that makes me so speachless after reading it. Sorry cant share much details to you guys, because lack of info.
A Father who torture his own son.
The boy is just 13 years old, his youth is ruin by this devil(father).
Hey.... even animals knows how to protect his own cubs.
He used electic or high voltage to shock his own son.
treated his own son like a death prisoner.
Is this Humanity???????

His name is 小偉 "XIAO WEI" Fellow bloggers lets pray for this little boy.
yeah i pray that the boys father is sent to hell... thats is really cruel of him... Just imagine how will he survive his life...With the traumatic life like that. As for the boy i wish him speedy recovery and a beautiful life lies ahead for him... Sincerely me~adyla~
high electric voltage that burn Xiao Wei leg, fresh meat.... I feel the pain deeply into my heart. How come the dad for this kid dare to do something that betray humanity! Try to imagine you are the kid and get abuse from your parents, IDIOT!
That's really inhumane! What is wrong with the *#&$@%!'s mind?! Psychopath..
Hopefully Xiao Wei will overcome the trauma n his physical injury.
Wish that the boy will recover fast.
SO pity him.
This is all thank to his stupid dad who did that.
He don't even deserve to be someone's dad.
Stupid Idiotic Person!
It is so sad to read this post. Where on earth there are such crazy parents in this world. My tears really drop when I see all this abuse on kids. Let's pray for little Xiao Wei for speedy recovery and overcome the trauma that he had gone through.
Our community really very sick! WTH, human are not human anymore... so cruel !!!
Crazy father of the boy. Such insane thing to be torturing his own blood. Poor young boy, I will pray for his speedy recovery !
Janice Ng
Yuwie.com ~ invite friends ~ get paid
WTF... this kind of father really should be burn in hell. So cruel my god. Hope he recover soon ba. Luckily he is still alive haih..
Life is so unpredictable
gosh... that's really cruel! May god punish him!
sweat. this is simply unbearable !! how can anyone be so heartless ?? sighs.
I feel so sad and sorry for children who are supposed to be loved and protected by their parents, but instead are being abused and tortured by these same parents :(. And for every case that is brought to light, there are many more who are still suffering in darkness. May God help Xiao Wei and the others too...
I can't find the words to express my sadness for this little boy and and I can't even tell you what I am thinking about the father. Where was the mother? I think the father should suffer the same fate!
Oh no... he looks like he in a real hell of pain... *sob sob*. I feel so sad just looking at his expression.. can see a lot of hurt and pain even in his emotional side.
What's his blog address? Would love to pay a visit at his blog. How u manage to get these pictures? Should be up in newspaper and put the fathers face there!
Then i'll be the first to throw a brick at his head when i see him!
oh gee...psycho people suck...
they dont deserve to live...
wishing you a nice week ahead!
he authority should put the ar*ehole face in the media so people can throw stone at him. How can he torture his own son until that stage? even if the kid is not his own one, he also dont have the right to use anything to harm a him!!! *#^$^((@$&$^& wah!!! Monday blues!!! Now even worst..Hope the beast go to hell!
oh, that's gross!! Has the dad lost his mind?? or maybe he DOES enjoy torturing people. He should suffer the same fate as his son in the prison!!
fuk!! lets do the same thing to his cheebye dad... see how he likes it...!!
Such gory pictures! I hope the father is put away to jail for a long, long time.
Oh no!!What is wrong with the father??How could he did that to his son???So cruel..This is so sad!I hope one day a car or perhaps a big giant lorry or truck hit him(the father) and smashed him like a mashed potato!!**Evil laugh**
I am speechless. Pooooooor little boy. WWWHHHHHYYYYYYYYY???????????
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