Thursday, November 22, 2007


Hmmm... lets blog something different today!!! "Happiness" actually how you define it??? Lets read a short story to understand more about Happiness!

There's an angel, he often comes down to earth and help others to attain "happiness". One fine day, he met a guy, his name is Ah Seng

Angel : Hey, what happen?? what's wrong with you??
Ah Seng : My little Ah boy is not so well.... i think i might lose him. he is precious to me.

After listening to ah seng's story.... then the angel gave ah seng's little boy boy a good health, ah seng was so happy and the angel could feel his happiness.

Another time, he met a young man, his name is Ah Meng, he is so down.....

Angel : Why so sad? why are you crying??? Your Larling(darling) dont want u??
Ah Meng : Oooooo, you got wings must be an angel lohhh!!
Angel : Yes, i am an angel, My name is "Henserm"...
Ah Meng : Haiiii.... My car was stolen... I can't fetch my Larling Jolianne.

Then the Angel gave Ah Meng a new "Lembu Kini"(Lamborghini).....

This time, he met another young man, his name is Ah beng, he is good looking, rich, driving nice car, a pretty wife and 2 cute twins. But Ah Beng still look down and sad....

Angel : Hey is there anything you want to share?? you look so down!!
Ah beng : Jesusssssssss............
Angel : No, i am not Jesus, i am an angel, my name is "Henserm"
Ah beng : Oiii angel... i have everything, but i still lack of something, can you give me??
Angel : Sure..... no problem!! 100% Free. What u want Ah beng???
Ah beng : I want happiness........
Angel : Deal.......................

And the angel take away everything Ah Beng possessed. The angel took away Ah beng's talent, destroyed his looks, robbed his riches and killed his wife & Children. The angel then left for heaven. A month later, the angel appeared. Ah Beng was lying on the ground, half dead, hungry and struggling for survival. The angel then returned him everything he once possessed and left for heaven again. later the angel pay a visit to Ah beng again, this time Ah beng and his family thank the angel and said This is Happiness.......!!!!!

Sometimes people needs to lose everything before he/she knows how to cherish. Actually, happiness is right in front of you.

So what is happiness? and how u define it??? Well this is how I define Happiness...

When you are very hungry, a bowl of hot noodle is Happiness

When you are tired, a simple white soft bed is Happiness

When you are crying, a gentle white tissue is Happiness

Actually, Happiness has no defination... sometimes little action can touch your heart, it's depends on how you look at it!!!

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So fellow Bloggers & Readers, How you define Happiness?


dorkzter said...

Happiness is when you read this post. hahahah :D

pat said...

Aiyah!my definition of happiness is happy,without debts,without enemy,without misunderstanding,and pleasure all the time...pleasure in many ways aaah...You dont think of something else!

Anonymous said...

Happiness is when I have everything Ah Beng has, EXCEPT his name...haha...

It's a meaningful post.Great for ppl who have lost their way..

levian said...

i'm so sure that little thingy is experiencing happiness to the fullest. haha !! that little brat .. *sweat*

amei79 said...

When u try to be simple & easy going, happiness will comes...between i only wan the feeling & not really mind on the definition...muahaha...

MeatballOnline said...

Happiness is when i have friends like you who cares eventhough we never met!

Anonymous said...

hehehehe... i think your that little kid on the last picture :P.

Cat Cat said...

Happiness to me is to have a good & healthy family. That's all I want.

J@n!ce said...

Being that little boy, looking up & thinking...when can I be as tall as you? hehe... ;p

Janice Ng

Horny Ang Moh said...

A very nice post! Yes! Actually that is true. My happyness? Aiyah! I am a simple fellow lah! A good poke will made me happy already. Other then that, all my reader pokeing into my site made me feel very happy! So when u poke in I am very happy!
Have a nice day!

Hungry Iban said...

Happiness is when:

1. Debt-less!

2. Eat like crazy but still have figure like Kate Winslet

3. having pizza for breakfast, KFC for lunch, Kenny Rogers for dinner and Cadbury for supper. LOL

4. Salary increased by RM500 annually.

5. Working 4 and half day a week!

6. Purse supplies no limits of kaching! Never runs dry one..

7. Go vacation twice a year

8. Loved by everyone!

9. Go to office at 9:30AM and finish working by 4:30PM.

10. Reading Aron's blog. :D

Anonymous said...

Happiness to me is peaceful life and healthy life.. i believe not too demanding, simple and easy everything will runs smoothly :)

Anonymous said...

Happiness to me is peaceful life and healthy life.. i believe not too demanding, simple and easy everything will runs smoothly :)

Christina Cham said...

Don't worry be happy!!
Just smile always, and be true to everyone and yourself!
Live a normal life..

That's what i want in my hapiness

Anya said...

I like this post~! happiness very subjective huh~!

Anonymous said...

I want to be the little kid! :P

Jace said...

I like the tissue box!

JJ Jason said...

ur happiness so chim one.