Hey!! This is the latest Nokia camera handphone!!! and it is 1st launch in Malaysia!! not even in Japan or anyother places yet!! so grab the new look of Nokia!!! Malaysia Boleh!!!!
The model name is still unknown!! be the 1st who Grab the New LOOK of "NOKIA"!!!!!

Wei Aron, ini macam pun boleh kah..????
nice joke aron :)
haha...what a cool nokia phone :)
Janice Ng
you almost got me there aron hahahaha ...nice joke bro :D
Virtual Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I wonder when we will finally reach the rate of $0.01 to 1 GB.
I can't wait for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 terabyte hard disk . But for now I will be satisfied with having a 32 gig Micro SD in my R4i.
(Posted using BPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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