Yayyyy yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!! muahahahahahaha......... I got my
new digital camera:) guess what? i know
i am not expert in bargain price:( sobs.... sobsssss.....!
So i bring my dearest Mom along. for your info hor
"she is the queen when come to bargian price". From RM799 bargain till RM730, but my
mom still not satisfy, talk and talk not stop, like strory telling, untill her own son
(ME) feel abit fed-up....
muahahahaha. then finally the boss say Rm700, this is the last call. but my mom still not that happy, guess what she says:- Boss RM688 can or not jek? becuase the number 88 ONG(lucky) mahhh. Fuyohhhh i leli cant stand anymore i say just buy it at RM700. well i am happy to bring my MOM along muahahaha:)
THANK YOU MOM.Carrying the slightly odd
'Face it, Beam it, Blog it' tagline the new
7.2 megapixel 3x times zoom ultra-compact
Z10fd digital camera from
Fujifilm looks very cool, especially in
RED (it is available in four more neon-like colors).
Face it refers to face detection technology, which is kind of expected in a compact camera these days.
Beam it indicates support for IrSimple InfraRed communication and
Blog it, well pretty much goes without saying, it allows Bloggers to BLOG around the world, to
produce 640x480 or 320x240 images straight in the camera.....

MY NEW CAMERA "I LURBIEWWW DEEP DEEP" Muaaahahahahahahaha..............
The red looks striking. Its very rare now a days to see camera that has other color's beside black and gray. I guess in the future we'll be seeing extremely high quality picture's then!
weeeee...new camera ^^
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