Well now i am really piss off and totally speechless this time, after viewing something shock and sad. I am not going to write anything about this, because i believe PICTURES says all. FEEL it, and You will have your own comment. Feel Free to post your comment after viewing the pictures

How can they do that to baby seal!!! That's is really sick and It is so sad when something so terrible has to happen to such precious baby seal..
this is so sad, there is one video too taken in japan capturing dolphins and if i remember ir right they slaughter it too..see youtube for that..
human makes so much noise when some are bitten by crocs and sharks. it makes us so cowardly to attack the defenseless ones like this. watch this at your own risk, this clip is very heart-wrenching.
save the whales~
which country that has the nerve of slaying the seal???
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